Checkups & Cleanings - Olean, NY
Polishing Teeth for Lasting Oral Health
One of the most common questions our office receives every day is, “Why do I need a checkup and cleaning even if I brush and floss my teeth every day?” To us, a well-informed patient is also a healthy patient, so we are more than happy to let you know exactly why we recommend our patients come to see us at least twice a year for these preventive appointments.
What do I need a dental cleaning?

Why do you need to come and see us just to have a hygienist clean your teeth? The truth of the matter is that your tools at home simply can’t clean every single surface in your mouth, and these hard-to-reach areas can gather plaque over time that eventually leads to cavities. When a hygienist performs a cleaning, they use sophisticated tools that not only break up and remove plaque and tartar from the parts of your mouth you can see, but the parts you can’t as well! This will ensure that your mouth is completely protected between appointments. These cleanings can even help break up surface stains to keep your teeth nice and white.
What is a “checkup”?

A “checkup” is really just a more casual name for an oral exam. For this, Dr. Daugherty will look at your teeth, gums, jaw, and dental work to make sure everything is in good shape. Should he find something concerning, he will quickly be able to address it. By scheduling checkups regularly, he will be able to catch small issues before they have a chance to become big ones! It is also important to remember that common problems like cavities and gum disease can be very hard to spot in their early stages by untrained eyes, but you can trust Dr. Daugherty to catch them before they can cause your smile any real trouble.
We recommend that patients of all ages get at least two checkups and cleanings per year, so if it has been more than six months since you or your child has been to the dentist, be sure to contact us today for an appointment!